Beware of Your Unbelief | JOE DUKE
Even Christians can be people of unbelief. Given tempting circumstances, we might cave under pressure and cease to follow God wholeheartedly. This certainly was the case with the children of Israel who took a major detour of unbelief while on their journey to the land promised them by God. Similarly, there is an inheritance that awaits the faithful Christian. God refers to this inheritance as rest, and it’s not the same as going to heaven. Our salvation is secure. But in this second of five warnings in Hebrews, we discover that unbelief can sabotage the future inheritance that could be ours.
If you’re new, have a prayer request or want to explore ways to connect, text LPCONNECT to 97000
Join a team – we’ve been waiting for you! God has uniquely shaped you. When you join a team, you can use your time, talent and gifts to influence others to find and follow Jesus. Plus, joining a team is a great way to get connected!
PRAY with us!
Join us TONIGHT at 7 pm for our monthly Prayer Gathering! We’ll be gathering to spend time praying over our families, our church, our nation and our world. All are welcome!
Have a prayer request? Let us know!
Our HUGS (Special Needs) Ministry will hold their Family Fun Day on Sunday, June 5. We’ll have accessible games, prizes and food for people with disabilities and their families, and we need 70+ volunteers to make it all happen! Grab a friend and sign up!
Hey seniors! Bring your parents to the LifePoint backyard on Sunday, May 15 so we can celebrate this amazing milestone in your life and send you off well!
Please RSVP so we know how many will be attending and let us know of any dietary needs.
On Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8, we invite our LifePoint family to pick up an empty baby bottle in the lobby. Take the bottle home with you and, over the next month, fill it with coins, bills or even checks for Alpha Pregnancy Center. Bring your filled bottle back to LifePoint by Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19.
celebrate recovery
Find freedom from what is weighing you down by connecting with real people and discovering how real faith can help with your real problems. If you struggle with hurts, habits or hangups, Celebrate Recovery is for you! Join a community of hope and healing Thursdays at 7 pm. All are welcome!
We’d love to get to know you better and help you get connected! If you visit on the weekend, fill out a Connection Card and bring it to the Welcome Desk. We’ll have a gift waiting for you! Or, you can simply connect with us online. Click the button or text LPCONNECT to 97000.
(fiscal year ends aug 31, 2022)