July 31 Guide

July 31 Guide

July 31 Guide TODAY  |  NEWS  |  NEW HERE  |  SERMONS  |  GIVING TODAY’S SERMON Caring for the Neglected Places in Your Soul | Jason Fullen One of the age old practices in our culture is that of presenting who we are as...
March 27 Guide

March 27 Guide

March 27 Guide TODAY  |  NEWS  |  NEW HERE  |  SERMONS  |  GIVING TODAY’S SERMON HOPE FLOATS | JASON FULLEN Most of us are desperate for hope—especially words of hope spoken to us by others. In difficult or terrible...

October 24 Guide

October 24 Guide TODAY  |  NEWS  |  NEW HERE  |  SERMONS  |  GIVING TODAY’S SERMON Tomorrow, Today | Jason Fullen Every day we all work to control our many appetites. In fact, one could argue that our daily activities as humans is predominately about managing...
June 27 Guide

June 27 Guide

June 27 Guide TODAY  |  NEWS  |  NEW HERE  |  SERMONS  |  GIVING TODAY’S SERMON Faith in the Fire | Jason Fullen When opportunities arise and we are thrust into the spotlight, we have a choice to make. We can choose to camouflage our convictions to match our...

August 16 Guide

August 16 Guide TODAY  |  NEWS  |  NEW HERE  |  SERMONS  |  GIVING TODAY’S SERMON NEW DIRECTION  | JASON FULLEN When we find ourselves moving in a certain direction and focused on our goals, it can be jarring to feel like God suddenly is taking us in a new...